克里斯蒂安·马克雷(Christian Marclay)美国
艾阿诺特·米克(Aernout Mik)荷兰
詹妮弗·阿罗娜(Jennifer Allora)美国 & 吉列·卡萨迪利亚 (Guillermo Calzadilla)古巴
若昂·奥诺弗雷(Joao Onofre)葡萄牙
史蒂夫·麦奎因 (Steve Mcqueen)英国
马克·沃林格(Mark Wallinger)英国
杨福东 中国
多米尼克·冈萨雷斯-福斯特(Dominique Gonale-Foerster)法国
法比安·纪劳德(Fabien Giraud)法国
易托·巴拉达(Yto Barrada)法国
艾里·坡恩(Elisa Pone)法国
瑞恩·甘德(Ryan Gander)英国
麦德尔·福蒂纳(Maider Fortune)法国
井上小金沢(Takehito Koganezawa)日本
麦卡·罗腾贝格(Mika Rottenberg)阿根廷
刘真辰 中国
尼赫·乔普拉(Nikhil Chopra)印度
田中功起(Koki Tanaka)日本
汉斯·欧普·德·贝克(Hans op de Beeck)比利时
恩里克·拉米雷兹(Enrique Ramirez)智利

International video collection of Isabelle and Jean-Conrad Lemaitre

Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, China

30th April  — 21st May 2016

Assistant curator: Xiaohui Guo

More information here 

Traces is a collection that consists mainly of recent videos and films made by young artists from more than 20 different countries that address the world we live in, humanity in transformation, the limits of our socio-political systems, and contemporary language imagery in relation to fictional cinema, documentary video and television.

Unlike museum collections with their historical, educational and multi-disciplinary foundations, unlike American private collections whose purchases are often tied to market considerations, and unlike other European collections based on common convictions, the Lemaître collection is based on the passionate study of emerging artists discovered at international exhibitions.

“Video is a medium of our time and we want our collection to reflect our times. The medium also has great potential for exploration and development, and we want to be part of this adventure. Video art gives viewers access to the roles of readers, observers and interpreters, and we like to feel that as spectators we are mature viewers. Video art requires time, concentration and peace. It offers a healthy attitude to art for our “remote control” society where people no longer take the time to look.” text by Jean-Conrad Lemaitre
“录像视频是我们这个时代的媒介,而我们的收藏就是这个时代的最好呈现。此媒介有极大的探索和发展潜力,我们希望成为这个探险中的一分子。录像艺术促使观众进行深入的阅读、观察和思考,从而成为有思想的观看者。录像艺术需要时间的揣摩与精力的集中。在现在这个“遥控”的社会,人们每日都没有时间停下脚步思考,而录像提供了一个健康的艺术平台。” (文自Jean-Conrad Lemaitre